
Team Excellence: The Root, Branches, and Natural Fruit of Excellent Teams 

Consider the best team you were ever a part of. It may be your current team. It may be a team you were on a few years ago. It may well be a sports team you were on at school. What elements made that team a good one?

This keynote answers that question, identifying and exploring the elements of (1) trust; (2) mission, vision, and values; and (3) synergy, or creative cooperation. Through a series of practical examples, the audience will see how, on excellent teams, trust is the root; mission, vision, and values are the branches; and synergy is the fruit.

We all know that teams can achieve much more than any lone individual. Teamwork is vital in today’s highly competitive world. People working well together really do make a difference!

Look at any great organization in history or today, and you’ll find highly effective teams.