There are many truly outstanding keynote speakers who can share an inspiring story, but it can be hard for an audience to wrestle what are often obscure and abstract concepts into the real world of work. At Newleaf, we match the inspiration of the world’s best keynote speakers while, more importantly, speaking plainly and simply in ways employees can immediately apply on the job.
We can serve your organization or conference with keynotes delivered by experienced speakers who are passionate about their subject areas. Each keynote is customized to your specific needs and can be tailored to your available time.
Below is a list of our most popular keynotes, which are all completely customizable. If your desired subject area is not listed, let us know—our speakers are masters of creating a keynote address to specifically serve your needs.
Business Financial Intelligence: A Mindset and Skillset Few People Have and All Organizations Need
Charting the Course: Mission, Vision, and Values
Customer-Centered Service: Creating and Keeping Raving Fans
Leading Others: Why Character and Competence Are So Important
Personal and Interpersonal Effectiveness: Managing Yourself to Influence Others
Team Excellence: The Root, Branches, and Natural Fruit of Excellent Teams
Time Management: Practical Solutions to the Five Most Common Time-Challengers
Work-Life Balance 2.0: Learning to Create More Balance to Get Better Results
Here’s a sample of top-class conferences Newleaf has contributed to as a keynote speaker:
Association of Chief Human Resource Officers (ACHRO)
Boys and Girls Club of America—Western Conference
California Community College Council for Staff and Organizational Development (4CSD)
California Human Resource Conference (CAHR)
California Placement Association (CPA)
CBRE Group USA Women’s Network World Conference
Citrix World Conference
Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) World Conference
Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) – Metropolitan Chapter
College and University Professional Association (CUPA) South East Regional Conference
CUPA-HR Southern California Chapter
Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC)
Golf Management Association of Australia (GMAA)
Inland Empire Society for Human Resource Management (IESHRM) Annual Conference
JPL / NASA North America Conference
LEAP Ahead Conference
Learning Solutions Annual Conference
Professionals In Human Resources Association (PIHRA) – various chapters
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Florida State Conference
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Florida State Leadership Conference
The Learning Guild Annual Conference
UnleashWD Annual Conference