seminar half-day onsite / 2 x 75-minutes online

personal and interpersonal effectiveness

It’s an inside-out approach: effective individuals make great coworkers  and contribute to outstanding teams that form highly effective organizations .

The evidence is overwhelming—organizations that develop the personal and interpersonal effectiveness of their employees are the same organizations that benefit from extraordinary results, successful projects, excellent teams, and trusted leaders.

This seminar consists of a series of highly engaging and purposeful exercises to help participants realize that what they say and do not only affects their own workplace performance but has a positive or negative influence on those they work with.

Participants are inspired to see how the choices and decisions they make throughout every working day can help them better serve their customers, their coworkers, and their teams.

Remember: effective organizations begin with effective individuals.

Optional Extra Logo

To help ensure significant and sustainable results, consider adding a Newleaf Maximizer session . Usually offered 12 weeks after the seminar, these 1-hour online sessions are facilitated discussions that review key learnings and answer participant questions.

Here’s a summary of our personal and interpersonal effectiveness program. Contact us if you’d like to see a detailed curriculum overview.


What is the fundamental principle that underpins this program?
  • Those who manage themselves well are better equipped to positively influence others.


during the program, participants will …
  • Understand that interpersonal effectiveness begins with a mindset of service.
  • Appreciate how their internal soundtracks lift up or bring down both them and others.
  • Grasp the five levels of listening and the importance of attentive and empathic listening.

Behavior & Results

during the program, participants will …
  • Identify who their customers are and what they need.
  • Practice using positive language and see the impact it can have on self and others.
  • Role-play attentive and empathic listening to see its interpersonal benefits at work.